My Pregnancy – 31 weeks and counting…

It’s finally here! Our baby shower week! Friends and family are slowly filtering into town and David and I are busy finishing up the final touches on our home remodel. To say I’ve lost my mind is an understatement, but I’m attributing the crazy emotional ups and downs to hormones and the stress associated with having 40 people over to our new house and it not being 100% completed yet. Luckily, David understands, but I know he can’t wait for the calm after the storm so he can have his “normal” wife back.
This week is also Opening Day for the Padres, which we haven’t missed since we moved to San Diego. The city is bustling with Padres and Giants fans and everyone has begun partying in the downtown bars surrounding the stadium. It feels good knowing that I can be the designated driver for the day, but I also feel a little sad knowing I don’t get to partake in the regular Opening Day craziness and craft beer consumption. Baseball season is long, and since we have a killer team this year, I’ll make up for it post-baby.
It’s hard to pinpoint my pregnancy symptoms this week because life in general is so crazy. My cravings are the same – strawberries, peanut butter (does peanut butter really count since I crave it when I’m not pregnant too?) and guacamole. My hormones are all over the place, and although I know the wild emotional turns are part of the hormone surge, it’s hard to grasp that when you’re in the thick of an emotional breakdown. Feeling elated and on top of the world one minute, then crying and feeling like things can’t get worse is an insane feeling. I know it sounds crazy, but writing these blogs is my attempt to keep things “real” and with all the great parts of pregnancy, there are also some downsides. 9 weeks to go keeps me grounded and helps me laugh off the silly things that seem so major, but I know deep down are really miniscule.
Check out my bump at week 31!

Sorry Giants fans….I had to show some Padres love for this one:)


31 weeks

Even with all the other things going on, I managed to make this rattle as decoration for our shower.  Petal by petal – 25 plus hours!

Baby Rattle

Opening day 2015!

Opening Day 2015



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